Sunday, May 18, 2014

what is yoga

The world 'yoga' refers primarily to our age - old spiritual tradition intended to overcome the narrow sense of individual selfhood, though its usage ranges from the very general to the specific and highly technical. Etymologically the word yogahas been derived from the Sanskrit root yuj, which implies a yoke, the resulting complex is greater than the sum of its parts. It also means "to add, join, merge, integrate or unite" . In its other conceptual meanings the word yoga also carries out the sense that of "mode, manner, or means" and expedient, or means in general" in the light of its derivation root and the attached meanings, a number of scholars have tried to define the term yoga in a number of ways. Let us try to reproduce a few significant ones out of them.

1. Maharishi patanjali has asserted in his classical book Yoga Sutra (2nd-3rd century B.C) that : ‘’Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha’’ which means ‘’ Yoga is the suspension of the modifications of the mind or the cessation of mental fluctuation’’ or’’ The withdrawal of sense organs from the worldly objects and their control is yoga‘’. Defined as such Yoga helps an individual to exercise restraint on his body and mind by keeping him away from the allurements of Roop, Ras, Gandha, Sparsh and Savad.

2. According to the ancient Yoga scripture, Vyasa’s Yoga- Bhashya, Yoga is ecstasy (the samadhi), ‘’- auniversal truth and form of the Chitta (mind).

3. In the words of Maharishi Yagyavalkya “The integration or merger of the soul with the Greater soul is termed as Yoga.

4. In Bhagvadgita, while explaining the meaning of the term Yoga to Arjun, Lord Krishna says, “The integration or union of the soul and greater soul is Yoga. “Latter on in the chapter six of this text, he asserts “Doing a task successfully comes in the domain of Yoga.’’

5. In the words of a great scholar and writer Dr. Georg Feuerstein, “yoga is the generic name for the various Indian paths of ecstatic self – transcendence, or the methodical transmutation of consciousness to the point of liberation from the spell of ego-personality.

Yoga helps in providing checks and pulls for exercising proper control over the fluctuations of our mind or greediness of our sensual desires.

Yoga plays an important role in the purification of our thoughts and feelings by winning over the evil intentions.

Yoga can help us to be the master of an infinite energy.

Yoga is the means of seeking path of the knowledge for leading our life in a successful way.

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