Sunday, May 18, 2014

Yogic and non yogic activites

Yogic and non yogic activites

Yogic Activities

  1. One needs to consume less time, energy and resources for angaging and getting benefited through these activities. In addition to provide enough time we need essential resources in terms of equipments, play grounds, gymnasium, etc. for helping us in performing these activities, As a result it proves quite costly in terms of time, money and labour for being engaged in these activities.
  2. One needs a quite simple, non-costly food items (Satvik meal) for doing yogic activities. Access to such common and non costly food items usually does not cause much problem to even for the common persons having limited means.
  3. One can procced quite independently for getting engaged in the yogic activities without seeking special assistance and need of any unavoidable men – material resources.
  4. There is no restriction of any kind in terms of the age, gender, physical conditions of the body etc in performing the yogic activities. The physical weakness or ailments of any kind also do not pose any hindrance in the path of performing these activities. Instead of it, it is a common practice to make use of the yogic activities for gettingrid of the physical and mental weakness
Non Yogic Activities

  1. We need more time, energy and means for engaging and getting benefited through these activities. In addition to provide enough time we need essential resources in terms of equipments, play grounds, gymnasium, etc. for helping us in performing these activites, As a result it proves quite costly in terms of time, money and labour for being engaged in these activities.
  2. One needs to consume more diet and spend more on the food items for gaining energy to get engaged in the non-yogic activites. It may many times not be easier for the individuals to have access to such costly diet.
  3. In doing non-yogic activities like playing games, doing exercises and gymnastics one has to rely completely on the assistance, collaboration and supply of men material resources.
  4. Non-yogic activities can not be performed easily and conveniently by all persons of all ages, gender and physical conditions. It is quite difficult and many times impossible on the part of the weak, plder and ill persons for getting engaged in the non-yogic activities. Similarly the execution

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