Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sukhasana the Easy pose

Yoga Tips
It is the easiest, and simplest asana that can be performed very comfortably by the beginner of all ages.

After sitting on a mat or dari on the floor in your usual ordinary way by keeping the feet below your thighs try to proceed in the following way

. stretch both of your legs in front of you

. hold the toe of a leg with your hand and place it below the thigh of your other leg.

. now bend the other leg at the joint of the knee and place it on the other thingh.

. now place the palm of the hands on the knees in the way as allowing full rest to the both the elbows 

. keep your head and body especially the spinal chord straight.

. see that you do not feel any inconvenience. In this Asana the hands, legs and backbone are supported. Hence you can sit comfortably in this asana for a long period as required for the meditation or recitation of mantra etc.

On can gain the following benefits by the regular doing of the Sukhasana.
. It can rectify the wrongs or improperness resulted through the adoption of wrong and improper postures.

. It can help in getting activated the joints of the lower parts of the body resulting in keeping them flexible and doing away with any improperness or defect arising in them for some reason.

. It helps in regularizing the digestive and blood circulation processes of our body.

. It helps to straighten the spine, slow the metabolism and still the mind.

. It may serve as the practice seat for the yogic activities like pranayama, mudras, dharana and dhyana.

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