Sunday, June 1, 2014

Gomukhasana yoga poses

Cow Face Pose
The yogic posture in which we try to place our both the feet on the ground by the side of the buttocks and keep the body steady is known as Gomukhasana, resembling the mouth of a cow.

Technique :-
. Sit erect stretching both legs together in front, hands by the side, palm resting the ground, fingers of the hands together.

. Fold your right leg. Place the heel of the right foot under your right hip.

. Now fold the left leg over the right buttock in such a way as the heel of your left foot is placed near your right hip.

. Take your right arm behind your back from above and left arm from below, so that fingers of both the hands are interlocked behind the back.

. Your posture will now resemble the cow’s face. Gaze in front.

. After some time return to the original position.

. Afterwards, practice it by folding the left leg and placing its heel under the left hip.

. It provides strength and vitality to the knees, shoulders, shins and feet.

. It helps in making the spine erect and straight and adds in the enlargement of the chest.

. It automatically gives exercise to the lungs and thus proves helpful in their proper functioning and vitality

. It also proves beneficial in the proper functioning of the nervous system and heart .

. It has medication and treatment value in terms of the following
   . The practice of this Asana removes pain in hip and lower extremities.
   . This Asana is very useful in arthritis and piles (dry).

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